County Commission | The Magazine May 2019 | Seite 3
in this
from the cover...
Insuring County Government............................................12
Leadership from the Local Level.......................................16
Get to Know Key Staff Members.......................................20
There We Grow Again........................................................24
Safer Counties...................................................................26
news you can use...
Rebuild Alabama Act...........................................................9
point of view...
Counties have relied on the ACCA Self-Funded Insurance Programs
since 1976, and the long-term success and strength of these programs
epitomizes what is possible when Alabama counties work together to
President’s Perspective ..................................................4
We Turned the Unthinkable into Reality Again in 2019
The County Line ...............................................................6
Of Turkey Hunters and County Commissioners
solve common problems. (© Sergey Nivens |
in every issue...
County Family Feature...................................................30
Family Album...................................................................32
Voices from the County Family ....................................35
who we are...
COUNTY COMMISSION is published quarterly by the
Association of County Commissions of Alabama, Inc.; P.O. Box
5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. Subscription rates are $20 per
year, which is included in the dues of members. Additional
copies, when available, are $2 each to non-members.
Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama.
Postmaster: Send address changes to COUNTY COMMISSION;
P.O. Box 5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. USPS 985-380
2018-19 ACCA Board of Directors....................................38
ACCA Staff.........................................................................38