County Commission | The Magazine May 2019 | Page 29
classes, and participation has also been
strong from non-member counties. Some
reimbursement is available to member
counties to offset the cost of this essential
training, which fulfills an SIDP requirement
each year.
Alabama Legal-Based Jail
The AJTA curriculum is based on the
Alabama Legal-Based Jail Guidelines, a
unique tool that translates the latest applicable
federal and state court decisions into detailed
guidance for jails. The guidelines, which are
specific to Alabama, make it much easier to
run a constitutionally safe jail – with operating
procedures and policies aligned with the
changing legal environment – and defend against
frivolous lawsuits.
Thirty sheriffs in member counties are using
the guidelines on an ongoing basis, and more
than a dozen others have expressed interest. The
liability program pays the implementation fee for
members, a savings of $2,250 for each county.
Additional Training Opportunities
In the 2017-2018 year, nearly 400 deputies
trained on a sophisticated driving simulator,
made available through an insurance program
partnership with the Alabama Fire College. For
the current year’s SIDP, CRS has organized a
series of Below 100 classes around the state.
Below 100 is a nationwide campaign to reduce
preventable line-of-duty deaths and injuries
among the law enforcement community.
The Funds also provide some financial
support to members for participation in
other professional development offerings,
specifically skid car training and the jail
management program.