County Commission | The Magazine March 2019 | Page 45
At Nationwide, ®
participant priorities
are our priorities.
We help America’s workers prepare for and live
in retirement — and that means making your
participants’ needs #1. From enrollment
through retirement, our people, tools and
education surround and support participants
so they can confidently make smart decisions.
To find out more about how we
put participants first, contact:
Martha Sutton
256-509-1389 Jeremy White
Elaine Graham
205-249-8423 Keith McGraw
Nationwide, through its affiliated retirement plan service and product providers, has endorsement relationships with the National Association of Counties and the International Association of Fire Fighters-Financial Corporation. More information
about the endorsement relationships may be found online at Nationwide, its agents and representatives, and its employees are prohibited by law and do not offer investment, legal or tax advice. Please consult with your tax or
legal advisor before making any decisions about plan matters. Retirement Specialists are registered representatives of Nationwide Investment Services Corporation, member FINRA. Nationwide and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. © 2017 Nationwide
NRM-10021AL (4/2016)