County Commission | The Magazine March 2019 | Page 32
on a public website and making copies
available at the courthouse.
6 Opposition to any legislation requiring
county governments or county
personnel to provide services or assume
responsibility for any portion of
municipal elections.
Alabama’s Prisons and County Jails
6 Opposition to requiring mandatory
training for sheriffs, sheriffs’ deputies, or
other county employees without county
commission approval.
6 Opposition to any prison reform
implementation activities that
significantly increase costs of or create
unsafe conditions in the county jail,
including the housing of state inmates in
county jails.
4 Support for any legislation necessary
to correct any consequences of prison
reform implementation that negatively
impact the operation of the county jail.
6 Opposition to pleading down Class D
Felonies for the purposes of convicted
persons serving time in county jails.
4 Support for providing that non-indigents
serving sentences in the county jail be
required to pay a portion of the cost of
incarceration, including medical expenses.
6 Opposition to any requirement that
county government pay for the use of
state inmate labor.
6 Opposition to imposing mandated
and unfunded jail standards or other
6 Opposition to changing current law
providing for feeding of prisoners,
unless the changes ensure the county
commission shall not be mandated to be
financially responsible for the feeding of
6 Opposition to legislative or
administrative efforts to put reserve
deputies in regular law enforcement
6 Opposition to amending Alabama’s
work release law to allow wages paid
to the county to be expended for
purposes other than just the costs of the
individual inmate’s incarceration.
4 Support for comprehensive legislation to
clarify and/or implement procedures for
county inmates working outside of the
jail either through work release or other
32 | MARCH 2019
Justice and Public Safety
6 Opposition to any juvenile justice
reform efforts that would result in
increased cost or administrative
responsibility on a county without the
county commission’s consent.
4 Support for legislative or administrative
procedures to reduce or eliminate
county costs for transportation of
mental health patients.
6 Opposition to prohibiting state law
enforcement officers from conducting
investigations or providing other
services on county roads.
4 Support to provide adequate funding
to ensure that ambulance services are
available throughout the county.
4 Support to protect the county
commission against the payment of
any costs or penalties issued as a result
of any local elected official defying a
validly-issued court order.
6 Opposition to any legislation
authorizing a person to carry a firearm
in a vehicle without a valid pistol
4 Support for shifting regulation of
certain prefabricated storm shelters
from the Department of Finance to
the Alabama Manufactured Housing
4 Belief that the statewide 911 Board
should conduct only those activities
delegated by the Legislature.
4 Belief that 911 services are best
provided through locally operated and
administered boards without statewide
coordination and encouraging the
statewide 911 Board to seek meaningful
input from existing 911 district boards
and personnel in developing any
proposed reforms or initiatives.
4 Support for restoring state EMA
revenues in the state general fund
budget to ensure both state and county
EMA programs receive proper funding.
4 Support for adequate funding of state
supplements paid to counties with a
certified county EMA director.
4 Support for ensuring the State has
sufficient resources to assist county
governments with the protection of the
public’s health and safety in the event
of an environmental emergency.
4 Support for legislative and
administrative efforts to implement
state-funded video conferencing
for certain court appearances and
to expand the use of video court
proceedings in the state.
Belief that debris placed on the right-
of-way of a state road following a
disaster event is the State of Alabama’s
responsibility and should be removed at
state expense.
Support authorizing Emergency
Management Agency vehicles to utilize
emergency lights and sirens as other
emergency vehicles.
Support legislation to clarify that the
county commission is not liable for
the improper expenditures of funds
authorized by law to be expended at the
“sole discretion” of a particular elected
Support legislation amending Alabama
law to remove the requirement that the
sheriff must be appointed conservator
or guardian of an incapacitated person
if no other suitable person qualifies as
general conservator.
Support for legislation imposing an
express duty to require service providers
to collect and remit the monthly
statewide 911 fee from all of their
applicable customers, and further
authorize the statewide 911 Board to
take audit and collection actions, as
necessary, to enforce such collections.
Environment, Land Use and
Public Works
6 To limit the exercise of municipal
powers or taxation outside the
jurisdiction’s corporate limits.
6 Opposition to any statutory or
administrative increase in fees charged
by a state agency if such increases will
be paid by county government or
county-established agencies.
4 Support for sufficient funding and
administrative expertise for flood plain
management and geospatial services at
the state level to ensure more effective
implementation by all 67 Alabama
6 Opposition to municipalities using
unconventional annexation procedures
to avoid the legal responsibility to
maintain public roads included in
newly-annexed areas.
4 Support for increasing the minimum