County Commission | The Magazine June 2017 | Page 9
Picking the Right
Tool for the Job
Limited Self-Governance in Alabama
The Alabama Limited Self-Governance Act has been helping counties
solve their own problems for a dozen years now.
That’s right – solving a local problem at the local level in a manner
best suited for the local community. Paddling your own canoe.
Solving problems without drafting legislation, advertising in a
newspaper for weeks and then steering the proposal through both
chambers of the state legislature, which at times might as well be
Class V whitewater rapids.
No, it’s not magic. It’s limited self-governance, and the following
pages will help you learn more and answer the question, “how do I
get there from here?”
n PAGE 10
Making More Decisions at the
Local Level
n PAGE 13
Limited Self-Governance in Alabama
n PAGE 15
When You Have the Right Tool
for the Job
n PAGE 17
Comparing and Contrasting:
Limited Self-Governance and
Administrative Powers
n PAGE 19
How to get Limited Self-Governance
n PAGE 21
What is the Alabama Limited
Self-Governance Act?