County Commission | The Magazine June 2017 | Page 5

Counties have an increasing their own destinies, but there are still and more of “state” responsibilities number of tools at our disposal major issues out there for counties falling down to the local level. in our efforts to control our own to tackle. And so, counties and this destiny. This issue of the magazine is Bottom line, the goal of local Association must continue to stand full of tips and guidelines for coun- decision-making has still not yet on our cornerstone principal: that ties seeking to fully utilize Alabama’s been achieved. decisions affecting citizens at the limited self-governance laws, and the Each legislative session, dozens of local level are best made at the local Association staff is preparing to bills are introduced – in the name provide county leaders with much of economic development – to more information on the Amend- grant county abatements and tax We already know what we ment 4 powers at the upcoming credits to industries, without re- can achieve when county Annual Convention. quiring the consent of the county The big question remains: commission. Even more pieces leaders speak in One Voice. will Alabama county govern- of legislation are introduced to ments will ever see a “true” exempt non-profit organizations Independence Day? My guess is that from paying county sales and use level – where citizens have the best I’ll be long gone from county service taxes – again, without the consent of opportunity for input. Whether it when that day comes. I do know one the county commission. is prison reform, election laws, or thing for sure, if we are to continue This issue is much larger than infrastructure improvements, county to make a difference then we must these two examples. Independence is leaders must continue to demand a continue to stand together. Every more than the power to say “yes” to seat at the table. And, I believe, we additional inch of local decision- the good things; it is also solid footing will have to present a more united making we enjoy today has been to say “no” to things that will harm demand that local decisions be made won by the sacrifice of others who the community’s forward progress. As the state budgets continue to tighten, with the insight of local leaders – and committed to ONE unified message and ONE unified voice. n be prepared to stand our ground. counties should expect to see more COUNTY COMMISSION | 5