County Commission | The Magazine June 2017 | Page 3
in this
from the cover...
Making more decisions at the local level..........................10
Limited Self-Governance in Alabama................................11
When You Have the Right Tool for the Job........................13
Comparing and Contrasting:
Limited Self-Governance and Administrative Powers.......15
How to Get Limited Self-Governance................................17
Putting Limited Self-Governance to Work.........................19
What is the Alabama Limited Self Governance Act?.........21
news you can use...
ACEA begins training for equipment operators................24
The Alabama Limited Self-Governance Act has been
helping counties solve their own problems for a dozen
years now. That’s right – solving a local problem at the
local level in a manner best suited for the local community.
Get in the Game
ACCA’s 89th Annual Convention.......................................27
Association Elections: Leading the Unified Voice
of County Government......................................................28
Houston County takes home
engineering excellence award...........................................30
Recycling is just the beginning..........................................32
County Family Feature
Crimson Tide fans say ‘Go Tigers!’...................................34
County Family Album
Photos from Alabama Counties........................................37
point of view...
President’s Perspective ..................................................4
What if we had our own Independence Day?
The County Line............................................................... 6
Regrouping after a hauntingly thin margin of defeat
in every issue...
COUNTY COMMISSION is published five times annually by the
Association of County Commissions of Alabama, Inc.; P.O. Box
5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. Subscription rates are $20 per
year, which is included in the dues of members. Additional
copies, when available, are $2 each to non-members.
Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama.
Postmaster: Send address changes to COUNTY COMMISSION;
P.O. Box 5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. USPS 985-380
A voice from Alabama’s 67 counties...........................39
Jonathan Gaddy, MA, CLEM, Calhoun County
who we are...
2016-17 ACCA Board of Directors....................................42
ACCA Staff.........................................................................42