County Commission | The Magazine July 2019 | Page 22
Celebrating 50 Years of the
County Agents Kitchen
he 91st Annual Convention,
ACCA’s biggest gathering of the
year, marks a milestone for one of the
event’s tastiest traditions
— the beloved County
Agents Kitchen.
Long before fancy
restaurants began
touting their “farm
to table” menus, the
County Family was
enjoying the best
Alabama-grown and
-produced foods every
year at the Annual
Convention, thanks to
another association.
“Our members
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look forward to the County Agents
Kitchen every year, and it is an
incredibly generous gift from the
Alabama Association of County
Agricultural Agents and Specialists,”
said Sonny Brasfield, ACCA
Executive Director.
“We greatly appreciate
the committee
members who have
kept this special
tradition going strong
for a half century.”
Started in large
part to promote
agriculture in the
state, the event
has become the
AACAAS’s premier
public relations
program. County