County Commission | The Magazine July 2019 | Page 17

FROM THE COVER Refocus: Optional Retirement Changes Ahead T he governor’s signature had barely dried on the page when questions started pouring in about ACCA’s priority legislation affecting retirement benefits, now Act 2019-132. The intense interest is no surprise, since the law makes it possible for counties to offer more attractive benefits to existing employees. The law, which has been in effect since May, set out a 24-month implementation period. The Retirement Systems of Alabama’s Bill Kelley will address the County Family on Wednesday, Aug. 21, to provide details about the implementation timeline and cost estimates that will be available to help each commission make an informed decision. Kelley will also take questions from the audience. In counties participating in RSA’s Employees’ Retirement System, employees hired prior to 2013 are eligible for the more attractive Tier I benefits, but employees hired later are in the Tier II category. In a competitive job market, enhanced retirement benefits are expected to help counties retain and recruit talented employees. It should be noted that no immediate decisions are needed that would affect county budgets for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. n Refocus: Implementing Counties’ New, Attractive Retirement Option Bill Kelley, Director of Benefits, Retirement Systems of Alabama Afternoon General Session 1:30 p.m. | Wednesday, Aug. 21 THE ALABAMA ASSOCIATION OF EMERGENCY MANAGERS SALUTES ITS 2019 HONOREES! Patrick Gifford • JACKSON COUNTY • ALFRED T. MOORE MEMORIAL VOLUNTEER AWARD Robert Mann • AUBURN UNIVERSITY • AAEM PRESIDENT’S AWARD Anthony Clifton • DEKALB COUNTY • PAT NEUHAUSER SPIRIT OF EMA AWARD AAEM: An Affiliate of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama COUNTY COMMISSION | 17