County Commission | The Magazine January February 2018 | Page 44
When someone brand-new to
county administration asks for
your advice, what kinds of questions do
they usually have? What is your advice
to them for establishing good working
relationships with commissioners?
New administrators usually ask
questions on how I would handle a
situation, or have I budgeted for a particular
item. My advice to a new administrator would
be to stay in constant contact with their
commissioners. Keep them informed and
updated on your operation, and ask questions.
What does “67 counties, One
voice” mean
to you?
"67 counties, One voice" means
working together. All county personnel
being on the same page and in agreement
on all subject matters affecting county
government. "Speaking with ONE VOICE." n
SPEED DRILL with Mary Wood
Favorite thing about Clay County? : Clay County is a small place with
a big heart. You may leave Clay County, but you will always come back.
| Are you a fan of New Year's resolutions? No, because I never make
it a week without failing. | Favorite college football team: Auburn |
Cats or dogs? I love dogs. |Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving. | No. 1
quality you look for in colleagues? Honesty | First paying job? 1966
Higgins Slacks in Lineville, Ala., making $1.25 an hour. | Home-cooking
or eat out? Home-cooking. | As a very young child, I wanted to be a
dog doctor, because of my love for animals (especially dogs) when I
grew up. (But when I grew up I realized the name was veterinarian.) |
If I had a whole day completely free of commitments and obligations, I
would go back and watch every episode of “Scandal” from day one. n
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