County Commission | The Magazine January February 2018 | Page 35

FROM THE COVER • Support for modernizing the business licensing process provided it does not result in a loss of state or local revenue or repeal existing local business licensing laws. • Opposition to authorizing a local legislative delegation or legislatively-created committees to direct how local revenues should be distributed. • Support for the work of the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Commission provided there is no effort to repeal or restrict counties’ authority to collect, audit and/ or enforce local taxes. • Support legislation allowing collection of unpaid debts due the county by other governmental entities by intercepting the entity’s portion of ad valorem taxes. Economic Development and the Alabama Trust Fund • Support legislation or administrative rules to clarify that lodging tax applies to rooms rented, whether or not a person actually sleeps in the room. • Support amendment of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights to provide that following an audit which uncovers that taxes were wrongly paid to another entity, the auditing entity may take action against the other entity if the wrongly-paid tax is not refunded within 6 months. Foundation Principle Alabama counties play an ever-growing and vital role in the state’s economic development efforts; providing services, financial support and community leadership necessary to attract and