health , safety , and welfare of all citizens .
• Belief that any additional restrictions on the use of constitutional and statutory procedures for condemnation of private property for necessary governmental purposes will serve to harm the collective well-being of all citizens .
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• Opposition to restricting or limiting a county commission ’ s authority to independently make decisions related to county property .
• Opposition to shifting the control of county property to the oversight of a legislativelyestablished committee or state agency . Specifically , the Association strongly opposes the requirement that movement or renaming of monuments , buildings or streets be approved by such a committee .
• Support for local legislation providing for six ( 6 ) year terms of office for County Commissioners .
Mandated and Unfunded Legislation
Foundation Principle
Without the authority to levy taxes or even collect fees for services , Alabama counties constantly struggle to provide an adequate level of services to ensure health , safety and prosperity of local citizens . Alabama ’ s constitution provides protection from the enactment of mandated and unfunded responsibilities onto county government to ensure the financial integrity of the commission . The Association strongly supports the intent of Alabama ’ s constitutional language prohibiting the enactment of unfunded mandates and opposes the establishment of such mandates through federal or state administrative actions .
© Ritu Jethani | Dreamstime
Strategic Goals
In furtherance of this Foundation Principle , the Association will actively pursue the passage of legislation to accomplish the following strategic goals :
• To amend the unfunded mandate constitutional amendment to provide that the exemption for defining crimes apply only to provisions of the law defining or amending a crime .
Legislative Policy
In addition to its strategic goals , the Association has adopted the following legislative policy consistent with this
Foundation Principle :
• Opposition to federal and state efforts to require county government to assume any financial or programmatic responsibilities that are currently financed and / or administered at the federal or state level .
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• Opposition to any mandated and unfunded requirement that counties assume new programs established by the federal or state government .
• Opposition to any federal or state legislative , administrative , or regulatory directives requiring county government to assume inspection , public safety , permitting responsibilities or other duties currently performed by the state or federal agency .
• Opposition to any legislative or regulatory directives requiring counties to provide housing , supplies , equipment or other expenses for a county coroner or other county officers .
• Opposition to state agencies administratively eliminating state services within a county for budgetary or other reasons without legislative approval .