County Commission | The Magazine January 2020 | Page 44

A The success of Rebuild Alabama made a Twitter believer out Geneva County of me. One of the President, best things about Association of County Engineers ACEA is it creates a forum for us to of Alabama from other @Just_Barfield learn county engineers, and that has continued to hold true as I’ve gotten started on Twitter and followed the example set by my colleagues. Most legislators utilize Twitter, and we can use our expertise to offer feedback and guidance on pending legislation. I’d like to see 100% of county engineers active on Twitter this session. Justin Barfield Charlie McNichol Mobile County President, Alabama Association of 9-1-1 Districts @AANDpresident 44 | JANUARY 2020 A A An increasing number of people Jefferson County get their news President, Alabama from social media, Association and we know it’s of Emergency an integral part Managers of every EMA communications @EMAJeffCoAL plan. For AAEM members, our assignment this year is to apply what we know about this high-speed avenue of communication to legislative advocacy. Providing legislators with information about a bill’s impact on their constituents can enhance deliberations with an added benefit — our tweets are also broadcast to our citizens and local news media. Jim Coker Among 9-1-1 professionals, no one has to sell us on the power and importance of immediate, widespread communication – which is the essence of social media. And while I’m no personal fan of social media, I understand the professional benefits to county government of being involved on Twitter. This year, AAND will make it our mission to become more vocal on and responsive to legislative matters through Twitter by using the #alpolitics hashtag. With the ability to reach more than 60 percent of the Legislature at once, #alpolitics is an incredibly simple and powerful communications tool – one that should be used not only to advocate for priority bills but also to defend county government from dangerous legislation.