Country folklore heritage costum albüm | Page 10

halkoyunu Created by Video Maker: ore/apps/details? id=com.videomak er.editor.slideshow wycinanki lowickie- lm.wmv YOUTUBE by danutadbs YOUTUBE SP-84 Poznań - Poland Semra AYATA-Çavak Günferi Karagenç İlkokulu-Mersin-Turkey our folk costumes... Movie Maker - Kizoa Video Düzenleme Programı: folklör Movie Maker - Kizoa Video Düz enleme Programı - YOUTUBE polskie stroje regionalne_ lm.wmv by danutadbs YOUTUBE Milijana Gajic, Kindergarten Ziric, Belgrade Traditional Serbian cloths Necla Öztürk -Faris Kokulu İlkokulu- Mersin-TURKEY Kindergarten Ziric, Belgrade PADLE T Portugal - Folklore music and dance - Malhão Hello! Here is the video that represents a unique culture from the north of Portuga! The video is a tradicional dance and song, played by the children, called "Malhão". Enjoy, Grettings from Portugal!