Cottonwood District Newsletter Spring 2020 Newsletter | Page 6

A Word From The Horticulture Agent

Happy Spring! I am sure I speak for most of us when I say that I am ready for the warm weather to be here. Speaking of being outside, it is no secret that we are all facing new realities and trials right now, but I can’t stress how important it is to stay connected with nature during this time. I encourage you all to take some time to go outside and learn about your lawn/garden, go to the lake, hike a trail, play at the park, etc. Being outside is a great way to pass the time and learn about the world outside of our homes. It is also proven that being active in nature helps us to heal quicker, “Both passive exposure to landscapes and more active interactions with nature provide mental and physiological benefits that contribute to healing and therapy.” –The University of Washington

Read more about the benefits of plants and nature at:

In this issue of ‘The Cottonwood Connection’ I will be attaching several links to online interactive games for children regarding agriculture, as well as, videos that I found to be intriguing for those of us who love nature (My favorite video is Queen of the Trees)! Good luck to everyone during this time and remember Extension is always here for our communities so, please reach out to us if you need anything!


Interactive games:

This website offers games regarding the Life Cycle of Plants, How-to Grow a Plant, Parts of a Flower, and many more!

On the Scholastic website you can find activities related to Photosynthesis, Plant Cells, the Kingdoms of Life, and more!

Nutrien, formerly Crop Productions Services, offers interactive games about different areas of agriculture including Soils, Farm-To-Fork, The Oxygenator, Career Match, Watershed Detective, and many other fun games!

Programs/ Activities:

At this time, all programs and activities through K-State Research & Extension have been cancelled until further notice.