Cottonwood Connections March2023 | Page 3

Deer hunters come join us on Tuesday, March 7th at 6:00 p.m. at the Cottonwood Extension Mtg. room, 601 Main St., in Hays.

Basic Wildlife Habitat Management Principles of White-Tailed Deer

58th Annual Mid America Farm Exposition

Wednesday, March 22 – 24, 2023

Tony's Pizza Events Center

800 The Midway, Salina

There are some great presenters and presentations – Shannon Ferrell, OSU. Basics of Farm Transition Planning, the state of carbon credit programs, the U.S. ag economy: how are we looking, and grain & livestock outlook. For further info.

Agronomy eUpdate

K-State Agronomy eUpdates are a weekly newsletter from K-State Research and Extension Agronomy. Subscribing takes seconds and your email will never be shared

Drew Richetts, an assistant professor and Extension Wildlife specialist with K-State Research & Extension will give a ninety-minute program on white-tailed deer biology, space use, cover requirements, nutritional requirements, managing white-tailed deer habitat, supplemental feeding and managing white-tailed deer populations.

A meal will be provided for only $5.00 per person, payable at the door. RSVP is requested for the meal count by Friday, March 3rd.   or call 785-628-9430.