January 18 & 19
Risk Management Skills for Kansas Women in Agriculture will be launching in 2022 in 34 locations across Kansas including Great Bend and Hays! This workshop series will teach principles of determining cost of production, developing a marketing plan, purchasing crop insurance, and participating in farm programs (ARC/PLC). Participants will work with a case farm to apply these topics to a real-world farming operation. The goal is for you to acquire risk management skills that you can apply directly to your own farming operations. Other special topics will include managing stress and being resilient in tough times, and communicating effectively with family members. The program will be a combination of broadcasted keynote speakers, local speakers, and facilitators to assist in completing the hands-on activities. An optional 5th session will cover similar risk management principles for beef cow/calf operations.
All Sessions begin with dinner at 5:30 pm and conclude by 8:30 pm. The program schedule can be found on the included flyer. Please register at
Cost is $50 if register by Dec. 1st. $75 after Dec. 1 or at the door.
CEU’s for Commercial Applicators: 7 credits and 1 core hour have been applied for. Certified Crop Advisors: 8 pest management credits have been applied for.
2021 Milo Plot Results--Barton and Ellis County
(click here)