Cotton On Foundation Field Report 2015 Cotton On Foundation Field Report | Page 16

UGANDAN EDUCATION CREATING FURTHER OPPORTUNITIES IN LIFE FOR CHILDREN THROUGH EDUCATION. Experience has taught us that the best way to change a child’s life is to change the environment in which they live. 2. At minimum, all children will have the opportunity to receive a primary education. Like anywhere, the gift of education in Uganda provides children with a better future and many more opportunities in life. 3. Provide education to students with special needs and/or requirements. Thanks to the support of our loyal customers and team, the Cotton On Foundation provides people in Uganda with access to a quality education, and empowers communities to break the cycle of poverty. In 2015, our focus was to deliver a ‘Quality Education’. We have been working on more efficient and effective educational approaches, and have created our ‘Quality Schools Model’ which prioritises improved outcomes for learners and teachers, as well as higher standards for curriculum development. SEVEN SPHERES OF LEARNING Our seven spheres of learning include: Student Wellbeing, Staff Wellbeing, Learning and Teaching, Buildings, Leadership and Governance, and Community. GOALS By 2020, our central and outreach programs will: 1. Provide a quality, inclusive education for 20,000 students in Southern Uganda. 16 Basically, this will ensure that we not only gain solid momentum towards creating 20,000 educational places by 2020, but that we deliver a quality education to each and every person, and that every school is equipped to continue the journey well beyond 2020. OUR MISSION IS TO ESTABLISH 20,000 EDUCATIONAL PLACES ACROSS SOUTHERN UGANDA BY 2020. 17