CosmoBiz Magazine May 2019 | Page 52

Beauty FIVE WAYS to Grow Longer Hair Why is it that so many of us find our hair grows to a certain length and then stops? Beautypress has some top hacks for opti- mal hair growth. 1. Food is your hair’s best friend It’s true that healthy hair begins from the inside out. Nutritional deficiencies are often to blame for brittle hair and your diet is, in fact, one of the most important elements for maintaining good hair health. If you’re suffering from hair loss, you may be suffering from a zinc deficiency – pumpkin seeds and kidney beans are great natural sources of zinc or alternatively you could take a zinc supplement. Keratin, which is what your hair shaft is made of, is basically made of protein. Make sure your diet includes sources such as seeds like flax, lentils, and quinoa as well as fish and lean meats to help boost growth. 2. Check the labels Omega-3 is important too because they contain essential fatty acids. This makes it especially useful for preventing breakage and giving hair a healthy shine. In addition to fish and algae sources of Omega-3, chia seeds and walnuts are fantastic natural sources of Omega-3 and easy to add to a morning smoothie or morning snack. Not only are some unfit for human use, but they also have a negative impact on the environment. Just because a chemical is legally available doesn’t mean it should be used. Ingredients to avoid include any derivatives of lauryl alcohol, myreth sulfate, and parabens, which can all damage and dry out the hair, making hair growth more difficult to achieve. If you are sensitive to a group of dietary proteins called lectins (which can cause gut symptoms) found in some seeds, nuts, and legumes, opt for flax and sesame seeds, pressure cook lentils, and quinoa, which inactivates the lectins in them. Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins for maintaining and growing healthy hair. Sunflower seeds, almonds, avocados, and green veggies, are all excellent sources so try to pack these into your diet. 52 C O S M O B I Z M A G A Z I N E Forget what it says on the front of the pack – it’s time to play label detective with your hair care as many shampoos and conditioners could be causing you more harm than good. DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine) and TEA (Triethanolamine) are hormone disrupters that are legal in the US but prohibited in the European cosmetic industry, so try to avoid these if buying in the states.