Editor’s Note
I’m excited to share this month’s issue with you! We
have a ton of fantastic content that I think you’re going
to love. The main two focuses of this month are our
Spring Lookbook and our New York Fashion Week
Fall Winter 2020 coverage. While these two topics are
not exactly similar, so much of Spring’s fashion is con-
tinuing into the fall runways that we included them in
the same category.
On a more somber note, it is with sadness that I in-
form you that this is my last month as Editor-in-Chief
of Cosmobiz. It has been an absolute honor and priv-
ilege to get to work with such an amazing team in a
fantastic field.
You may still see me as a contributing writer from time
to time, while I’m stepping down from the role of ed-
itor, I’m by no means leaving Cosmobiz fully behind.
I’m leaving everything to the highly capable hands of
Jenny Rodgers, who has been instrumental in making
Cosmobiz into what it is today.
Thank you to all of our readers and supporters for
reading along over the last three years, I hope you’ll
stay for at least another three!
Until next time!
Kate Patterson