CosmoBiz Magazine JULY 2019 | Page 40

Bonded Bonded hair extensions are similar to sew ins; however, instead of needle and thread, the application is done using a special glue. This method lasts for a shorter period of time, only 2-3 weeks, but it is one of the easiest and quickest. Wainwright added, “It’s a temporary fix, you can’t swim in it or use oil. Also it can be more damaging if it’s not applied properly- if the glue gets put on the hair rather than on the scalp it will tangle the hair and do more damage.” Tape On Tape on’s are another easy way to add extensions; there’s no need to braid for these so they are very quick to put in. Two of our writers put some on in the office this past week in less than fifteen minutes! These are also great for short term wear, if you put them in and don’t flat iron them to seal the glue they come out after a few days. If you seal them with heat they last several weeks. These are great for adding temporary color without damaging your hair. Wainwright added, “they don’t pull on the hair so it’s good for softer textured hair, the tape lets it stay set in place. With soft hair a clip might slip.” 40 C O S M O B I Z M A G A Z I N E We also spoke with Sheryl Catz, a representative from Simplicity, who told us about their particular brand of extensions which utilizes the tape method, “Our extension binds securely to the head using a secure tape; it’s not sandwiched so it’s lighter and it fits closer to your skull. With Simplicity you don’t get a headache because they’re so lightweight.” Clip Ins Clip-ins are by far the easiest way to add length and volume: you can even do these yourself at home relatively quickly. Because of their ease of use they are very versatile. However, because they do need something to grip to this method is not ideal for those with little or thinner hair. Wainwright also added that clip ons aren’t best for people with softer textured hair as they can slip out. “It’s a temporary fix, it’s good for acting or for pictures,” she added.