CosmoBiz Magazine April 2018 | Page 35

The second step is to make sure that the hair underneath is completely dry. With an oily scalp this can mean tak- ing time to add dry shampoo and use the cold air setting on a blow dryer in between washes. For A Dry Scalp For those with dry scalps, dandruff deep cleaning is needed less frequently, but is just as important. While oil and sweat may not be building up, excess dry skin and dandruff can be just as annoying and damaging. You’ll want to double cleanse with a moisturizing shampoo, making sure to be extra through. For Both Regardless of how oily or dry your scalp is, you’ll want to follow some simple care steps. As mentioned, you’ll still want to use a deep conditioning treatment that pen- etrates deeply though braided hair into the scalp and pores. You’ll also want to make sure that when you’re cleansing you’re getting as deeply as possible. When dealing with masses of braids or wefts, it helps to use a shampoo bottle with a pointed applicator. You can buy these at most stores and transfer your shampoo into them, or you can try the amazing line by Girl+Hair if you want an easier solution. While both should use deep conditioners on occasion, for those with dry scalps, a conditioning step is even more important. Conditioners alone can’t be relied on here though most don’t penetrate the skin as easily and when they do, they can cause buildup. Instead, try a hot oil treatments that fully penetrates both the natural hair and scalp. We recommend argan oil mixed with vitamin e, alternatively organic olive oil is just as good. When using a hot oil treatment let it sit on the scalp for at least 30 minutes and remember to cleanse well with a gentle shampoo. Another great way to care for your hair is to add gentle massage into your routine, during both the moisturizing and shampooing stages. This can help remove debris, work in the shampoo and conditioner, and gives the added benefits of improving blood circulation and re- lieving tension on the scalp. This step will ensure your natural hair continues to grow happily and healthily un- der your style. Prevent Stress and Pulling For healthy hair, look to your foundation. We all know that tight braids can cause discomfort and headaches, but the effects of too tight braids can be more lasting than a headache. Traction alopecia along the hairline is one symptom that many women face, but it can also occur all throughout the head where it often goes more unnoticed. Along with excess pulling, a too-tight foun- dation makes it harder for shampoo and conditioners to penetrate the hair, for debris to be removed, and it makes drying take significantly longer increasing the risk of bacterial growth. Wearing weaves and installed extensions can be an ab- solute lifesaver for a variety of reasons, and with these steps, you’ll never have to worry about damaging your natural hair. A clean and healthy scalp is the basis for a healthy head of hair. 35