Coschem - Annual Report 2015 Coschem Annual Report | Page 8

Treasurer’s Report Roy Gardiner The year was exciting for Coschem. The member’s support of the various offerings of Coschem has helped with our Income, This remains key to the successful operating of Coschem. We have been fortunate to have held our ground despite our politicians treating our economy without respect and still managed to generate a small surplus. Our concern again was the uncertainty of membership renewal due to the economic downturn, the continually changing exchange rate and an unstable economy. We are very grateful to those members and companies that continue to support us during these testing times. I must emphasise our gratitude and again thank them for their contributions. The three major areas that generated the funds required to operate our office were the Membership subscriptions, Education Programme and our local Scientific Conference. Page 8 Membership remains fairly stable and efforts to maintain this level are being addressed. We continue to contribute to the membership of the IFSCC and to P & C Review and encourage you to use these publications. The Social Committee has also been very active and contributed very positively with the Golf Day, Ladies Day and the newly introduced Men’s day. The key driver (pardon the pun) is networking within the industry. The Education Programme continues to be a contributor to the generation of funds. The course is seen to be of value to the industry and we continually strive to improve this image. We are honoured to have an educational team who unselfishly give of their time and expertise. We had to make use of legal council on three occasions. The first was to protect the Coschem name that a company had adopted. The second was to register and trademark our name and logo and the final legal issue was to defend ourselves from two students. We continued to use the services of FTR and a bookkeeper to ensure proper accounting practices. FTR is a mine of valuable information and it has been a privilege to work with them. The Scientific Committee had a number of post graduate students from our local universities adding to the research of our local botanicals as active ingredients for our industry. We decided to again hold registration to minimal rates to improve attendance, but again this did not show an improvement. Our offer to assist members who wished to present papers at the Munich Congress had a student take up the offer when her paper was accepted by the IFSCC. Serina Sowman, a second year student of our correspondence course and an MSc student for the University of KZN was sponsored to attend the Congress. The small surplus for the year will be used in future projects which will support the aims of the society by increasing its educational and scientific offering. Finally I would like to thank Coschem members for the faith they had in me. It was an honour and privilege to have served you. Seminars held during the year on industry topics were very successful. Congratulations to this committee for exceeding the budget. The additional funds were directed to im- proving the sound and webinar facilities. We hope this will attract members to our future seminars. Page 9