Corrosion Science Chemistry Research Article | Page 6

6 Corrosion: Understanding the Basics CORROSION UNIFORM LOCALIZED MACROSCOPIC Galvanic MICROSCOPIC Erosion-corrosion Crevice Intergranular Pitting Stress-corrosion cracking Exfoliation Corrosion fatigue Dealloying Fig. 3 Macroscopic versus microscopic forms of localized corrosion of corrosion problems. Detailed information on these eight forms of corrosion can be found in Chapter 4. Completeness requires further distinction between macroscopically localized corrosion and microscopic local attack. In the latter case, the amount of metal dissolved is minute, and considerable damage can oc- cur before the problem becomes visible to the naked eye. Macroscopic forms of corrosion affect greater areas of corroded metal and are gener- ally observable with the naked eye or can be viewed with the aid of a low-power magnifying device. Figure 3 classifies macroscopic and mi- croscopic forms of localized corrosion. Methods to Control Corrosion There are five primary methods of corrosion control: • • • • • Material selection Coatings Inhibitors Cathodic protection Design Each is described briefly here and in more detail in subsequent chapters. Material Selection Each metal and alloy has unique and inherent corrosion behavior that can range from the high resistance of noble metals, for example, gold