Correspond Volume 1 | Page 3

From the Editor

[email protected]

tanner muller

NOTE: some of the visuals and sound content featured is not owned by Correspond magazine

aspire to be classic




In our modernistic personas we are obligated and perplexed with technology and futuristic ideals which type our society of implausible behaviours. In the innovative and gradually developing world, we must not forget the classics, the music, art, fashions and entertainment which had prepared our universe to be as diverse and enchanted as it is.

Through the debut of The Classic Issue, mediums of music, juvenile reminiscences, dead and forgotten creations are explored through the concept of classical impressions. Our photo-shoot of graphical, yet factual definition explores how our blissful and innocence approaches of being true youths are lost in present existences.

One is torn with these ideals. We either destroy it or embrace the concept of being classic.

jamie richards

angela brushe

lindsey kelk

miranda freeman