lessons on
By Toby Webb - http://tobywebb.blogspot.co.uk
fight with aggressive responses from incumbents; Nest Labs
highlighted the need for significant financial resources to fight
legal battles, the importance of design, monitoring & quickly
responding to customer feedback & creating a ‘can do’ mindset;
Globe Hope & Zed Factory highlighted the need to stick to core
values, the importance of personal resilience, having a solutions
oriented mindset (to problems) & a lack of public policy support
for sustainable & eco-innovators
Business Models: an emerging question is, do green business
models actually exist? & perhaps that the question needs to
be re-framed; growing energy, material & water challenges
are leading a number of companies to adapt their business
models; many eco-innovative SMEs have a product/technology
push mindset & lack sound business models, so there is a
need for widespread dissemination of business model thinking
amongst sust