Crib Notes
Paul S. Rowlston
I was all geared up to write about Kit Kat this month, going into
some comic detail about my recent tiff with that global brand
and seeking some kind of insight in the aftermath. But then the
world changed on Thursday night.
And so, having just stood for the National Anthem, and with
the echoing sounds of the initial addresses filling the stadium, I
want to try and find a message of my own, some insight that is
uniquely mine and might, just might, offer insight to you.
For the third time in my life I was presented with a ‘where were
you’ moment.
Whenever I think about Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela I cannot help
but think of those 27 years he spent as prisoner 46664. 27 years.
Think about that, but not as a number, think about it as an actual
period of time, a portion of a life. 27 years locked in a brutal
place with brutal intent.
I was glued to the over-night coverage on CN 8