Looking forward to
the NLB Stakeholder
Engagement Indaba
& Second Annual NGO
Awards - March 2014!
As the NLB we believe that the fight for social justice is more
real and immediate now than it has ever been. We therefore
endeavour to contribute in our own small way to the betterment
of our communities and the people of South Africa. In 1994, at his
inauguration as the first democratic president of a free South Africa,
Madiba made a call to action when he said “it is in your hands to
make the world a better place for everyone who lives in it”.
The Stakeholder engagement Indaba and the NGO Awards
provide the opportunity for all involved to share ideas, best
pactices and success stories. The NGO Awards recognise those
organisations that have answered Madiba’s call with dedication
and passion.
We look forward to seeing you all at this important and exciting