Deputy Minister of DTI and Precious (Khosi) Mvulane, GAD MD
policies, procedures and segregation of duties including systems
can be easily overridden by human. Our reports are more likely
to be used by regulators and donors in terms of reliance when
they making their decisions. Due to this, the risk is just too high in
these sectors. We also have noted complaints from clients from
time to time saying that auditors comes once a year and when
they come it is too
late to take corrective
action or even make
To minimize the risk
…we have developed
an approach that
cost effective without
At GAD, we conducts
audit every 6 months
on the organisations
to ensure that what we
have recommended
is being implemented
and organisation are
provided tools and guides to be able to deal with the problem and
fix it. We focus on building capacity and skills in the organisation
that we work with. The approach does not increase costs or even
the fee to organisation but it may mean that they pay 50% of their
normal audit fee 4 months ealier than they would have.
About GAD
GAD Consulting Services Incorporated is an audit firm registered
with Independent Registered Board for Auditors (IRBA) and
South African Institute for Chartered Accountants (SAICA). GAD
is also an accredited training centre for South African Institute for
Professional Accountants (SAIPA) and an approved employer
by Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Consequently we able to employ accountancy graduates for
3 years under learnership programme. For 5 new clients, we
employ 1 trainee. So join us, if you are corporates engage us
with an aim to recommend us as your preferred service provider.
If you are NPO and you are considering different approach to
governance and audit. Call us on 011 465 7078.
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