Corporate Social Review Magazine 1st Quarter 2013 | Page 8

to children, who do not get to go to a Church Sunday School. One then goes along the wayside, gathering children to teach them about the love of God, and how if we accept His love, we and live a life pleasing to Him, we can have new hope through spiritual values lived. I chose to do this at Slovo Park which was the nearest informal settlement near to where I live, and where I felt I wanted to make a contribution. However, I soon found out, that because of the circumstances people are face with, much more was needed then telling of God’s love. I needed to show love in action, unconditionally and with all sincerity of heart. The establishment then of the SCE project allowed me the opportunity to make a different through “practical” Christianity for the cause of humanity. 2. What were the initial challenges? are most suitable for the implementation of our programmes. We are now just planning to work on the renovations required, to get us going full swing with the programmes.” Transnet Foundation Senior Manager: Grants, Lindi Tshilingalinga says Transnet believes that this programme is supportive of its thinking and values of giving support to the communities within which the company operates. The programmes, such as its after school programme; school holiday programme; nutrition support; school placement and remedial classes; and spiritual programmes are supportive of our belief of extending as much resources to the moulding of the next generation within those underprivileged communities of our society. Transnet (SOC) Limited has donated six hundred thousand rand spread over 3 years at two hundred thousand rand per annum for the 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 financial years for the core programmes mentioned above. I did not know if I would be accepted by the community, as I was from another racial group, but I soon found out that when showing love in action, there are no racial boundaries. Further, even though I was offered space for the to run the project, it was an old dilapidated School hall, opposite the settlement which had no running water in the in building, also the environment surrounding this was polluted and unhealthy. However, people were living under in these circumstances, so I had to make the best of things, as it was just opposite the settlement. As the project developed, the continuous catering of pots of food cooked at my home to feed the children, along with bottles of home-made juice, and all sorts of other stuff to make things happen, became a major challenge. I literally ran the project from the boot of my car for 8 years. These days it is the office from my boot, as I to/fro with my bags. SCE has proved to be a beacon of hope for the community, and the Coordinator of the project has a close and trusting working relationship with people in the settlement. The SCE project continues to seek links with various partnerships that will enable its development and progress as it works towards its sustainability within the Slovo Park settlement. (654) 1. What inspired you to begin the Slovo Centre for Excellence (SCE)? It was the desire deep down within me to make a contribution to our country’s new democracy, albeit 10 years down the line. I remember listening to then President, Thabo Mbeki, when he gave his State of the Nation address. He appealed to all South African citizens to come alongside Government, to assist them in reaching out to the poorest of the poor in our country, those who found themselves living in a state of poverty and deprivation due to circumstances beyond their control, because the need was so great, he made it quite clear, that this was not something that could be tackled by Government alone. The realization of what our democracy meant to the citizens of our country, made me want to make a contribution, in any which way that I could, because of what others had sacrificed to fight for our new democracy. The SCE grassroots project only came about 5 years thereafter, but by then the passion to continue making a difference was so strong, that I just wished to go on serving God and humanity through the establishment of the SCE project. I initially started out on 5 February 2005 with what is known as a Wayside Sunday School (WSS), which is a service 6 Magazine Final.indd 6 3. How do Transnet and UJ benefit from their association with the centre? Transnet - has been our 1st and only Donor, thus far. They have enabled us to take transition from our grassroots status, to that of working towards sustainability of The SCE project. I would like to believe, that their CSI thrust has offered them fulfillment of purpose, which is to help build stronger, healthier communities. Their financial and in-kind contribution through the new premises we now Lease from them has made a major difference to the development of the SCE programmes. Skills development of some of th e Young Adults of the community to become Programme Facilitators is a major step forward for Job creation opportunity. There remains great potential for such self-development, which can offer job opportunity for many other young adults, if more funding could be sourced. They are CORPORATE SOCIAL REVIEW 2013/07/29 10:45 AM