Corporate Social Review Magazine 1st Quarter 2013 | Page 75

Winners of the inaugural NLB Awards CATEGORY 3: CHAIRPERSON’S CHOICE AWARDS Active Beneficiary Ralph Freeze Promotion of NLB Mandate FS MEC - Sport, Arts and Culture, Honourable D Kgothule KZN MEC - Arts, Culture and Sport, Honourable N Sibhidla NC MEC - Sport, Arts and Culture, Honourable P Williams Social Champions Sport and Recreation Sector Thembalihle Primary School Seabe Sport Development Association Sothembani Primary School CORPORATE SOCIAL REVIEW Magazine Final.indd 73 The Sothembani Senior Phase School would like to thank the NLDTF for donating money in 2012 which enabled the school to erect and buy palisade fencing, combo court and sporting attire. The school highly appreciates the contribution which impacted positively on the safety and sport development of our learners and the community. 73 2013/07/29 10:47 AM