Corporate Social Review Magazine 1st Quarter 2013 | Page 30
profit organisation while still being able to generate an income to
fill the hole left by those fast shrinking charitable funds.
Then there are two pillars of Marc’s plan:
profit company whose shareholding is held by BEE level two
contributor and whose sole beneficiary is the section 21 charity.
This company is offering two products to mark et.
Consulting Services
Some of the services that Marc’s organisation provide for free
can actually be charged for. Small fees from lots of payers can
make a big difference.
For instance, they have 6500 young people using their
community centres, libraries, computer education and sports &
drama facilities every day. And they all get a meal every day. 20
days a month, five days a week. That’s no small thing.
The first is a consulting service that leverages Africa Tikkun’s
unique experience, expertise and network to help companies
(such as mining houses) upgrade the development of the
communities where they source their labour.
They offer a turnkey solution based around the charity model
and advise their clients on how best to set up an integrated
holistic care model that actually delivers.
By charging a small membership fee to those that can afford to
contribute, the income generated can be spent elsewhere. By
means testing this fee – with some paying less, some paying
nothing depending on their need - they are able to ensure that
they are not punishing the poor but rather ‘sharing the load’
African Tikku have proved that their child & youth care and their
development care model works. By offering that as a solution they
can help their clients to deliver real value into the communities
they work in and then use the income this consultation delivers
to fund their own ongoing programmes.
As Marc puts it, “Charity is give all to those with nothing. What
we’re talking about here is giving something to those who have
something and taking joint responsibly.”
Employment Services
So, where there is a user base, where there is a definable value
and at last some discretionary income then - by raising a small
contribution towards the cost these fees – an organisation
can free up scarce resources to extend the ability of the these
programmes to support themselves within a shrinking donor
Enterprise Development
Then there is the enterprise development company - a for
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And it is those programmes that offer the third opportunity.
In SA the government is strongly focused on employment.
Africa Tikkun’s programmes have been busy for years creating
a pool of potentially valuable, motivated, qualified employees.
People who have already been invested in.
After years of development as beneficiaries of value driven
programmes these young people are now ready for job specific
readiness training that will make them ideal, employable, first
time job seekers.
This is ‘job readiness training’ that teaches the young people
2013/07/29 10:45 AM