Corporate Social Review Magazine 1st Quarter 2012 | Page 73
Visio n
Our vision is for JISS to be a financially sustainable Social Service Organization that is renowned for its dynamic
professional team and Service excellence.
Miss i o n
Our mission is to protect, uplift and promote the well-being of children, individuals and families through the provision of
essential social services and community development and empowerment projects.
Prof i l e
The Johannesburg Institute of Social Services (JISS) is a child and family
welfare institute that extends services to individuals, families and communities.
JISS endeavours to deliver services that reflect the demographics of South
Child and Family Care Units operate from the two JISS Centres in Mayfair
and Lenasia. JISS is the primary NGO in Mayfair and Lenasia dealing with
child neglect, child abuse and family problems affecting children younger than
12 years of age. Individual social workers carry an enormous responsibility
in assessing children at risk, family preservation and determining the best
interest of children in terms of the Children’s Act before statutory intervention.
Hassina Vally, Director
Intrinsic to the social work profession is regular debriefing and supervision.
Social work services and community development/empowerment programmes including the complementary charity
work of volunteers is delivered to the community from the two JISS Centres. Child abuse awareness and prevention
programmes, an HIV/AIDS programme focusing on orphaned and vulnerable children as well as educare and outreach
facilities in informal settlements are some of the community work programmes that JISS is involved in. Two Senior
Citizens’ Luncheon Clubs enjoy the use of the JISS Centres.
Included under the JISS banner is a school in Lenasia for children with special needs, the JISWA School with a staff
complement of 71 and 390 learners, as well as a Profound Unit for severely mentally challenged children.
JISS is an important centre for the training of student social workers and social auxiliary workers who do their
practical work under the supervision of JISS’ social work managers.
The skills shortage of social workers continues to plague the child protection sector. The skills shortage is being
addressed by the JISS-SANZAF BURSARY FUND. It is envisaged that the Bursary Fund will attract youth to embark
on a career in social work. JISS and SANZAF as community-based organisations have begun providing youth with the
opportunity to engage in community services and receive student supervision during their practical placements at JISS.
C o n t act:
JISS Centre – Mayfair
Corner Battery Street and Queens
Road, Mayfair
Tel: 011 837 4151/2
Fax: 011 837 4153
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: jiss2@telkom 6??W@????5t6V?G&R( 2?V?6??R7V??W&&?27G&VWB??V?6?W?FV?6???0?FVâ?S"cb?p?f???S"c#??R???â??76?V?6?FV???6??W@????5t66??????&??7G&VWB?W?FV?6??????V?6??FV????SB??p?f???SBS?3 ?R???à???7vG&????v6V?G&Tv????6???B??F???3???????W6'W&r??7F?GWFR?b6?6??6W'f?6W0?f?'7B?F????&???'&?6?6?FS?#S"?SR??66?V?B?V?&W#?S3S????52?2&Vv?7FW&VB6V7F????$????F??F???2&RF?W&Vf?&RF?FVGV7F?&?R?&Vr?????S???4?%?$DR4?4??$Ud?Up?s??$?????3?0??