Corporate Social Review Magazine 1st Quarter 2012 | Page 63

Gift of the Givers The Gift of the Givers Foundation is a disaster relief organisation founded in South Africa by Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman. Rooted as it is in Africa, the Gift of the Givers is the largest organisation of its kind on the continent. T o this date The Gift of the Givers has delivered over R650 million in aid both within South Africa and to 33 countries around the world. They also designed and developed the world’s first and largest containerised mobile hospital, which was deployed in Bosnia. This unique project delivered a facility that is comparable to the best hospitals in Europe and remains unmatched to this day. Dr Imtiaz Sooliman was born in Potchefstroom, in the North West and started his schooling in Potchefstroom before moving to Sastri College in Durban in 1976. He qualified as a medical doctor at the then University of Natal Medical School in 1984. Throughout his life - alongside his studies and his medical work - Sooliman has been involved in several associations, religious organisations and schoolgoverning bodies progressively as a student, medical doctor and an active member of civil society. Dr Imtiaz Sooliman 61 For Sooliman humanitarian aid transcends the boundaries of race, religion, culture, class and geography which is why he gave up his career as a medical doctor and in 1992 founded the Gift of the Givers Foundation. The organisation is impartial and apolitical, and aims to always serve with compassion, kindness and mercy. Under the dedication, energy and leadership of Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, the foundation provides disaster relief, primary healthcare clinics, feeding schemes, water purification and water wells; distributes new blankets, clothing and food parcels; provides bursaries and scholarships, educational support, toys for the underprivileged, agricultural self-help schemes, job creation, counselling services and drug rehabilitation; It conducts HIV and AIDS, skills development and life-altering workshops (sports development, institutional support, medical support, interfaith and cultural projects, adoption of the Adelaide Tambo school for the disabled, wheelchair distribution, shoe distributions, recycling initiatives, adoption of the Sarah Fox Convalescent Home and Nutritional Supplementation). Gift of the Givers Foundation has also gained its reputation from the provision of disaster response relief and re- CORPORATE SOCIAL REVIEW habilitation to victims around the world. In South Africa their efforts are far-reaching with the Gift of the Givers running a total of 24 additional projects in this country. Their strategy in the provision of social services follows a three-pronged approach: Disaster response relief Long-term projects. Once-off projects - such as the donation to ultrasound machine to GF Jooste Hospital (Cape Town, South Africa) All their projects are needs-driven, are sustainable and make a meaningful difference to the quality of people’s lives. Gift of the Givers prides itself in trying to be as inclusive as possible in its aid delivery programmes and takes special care in ensuring that aid delivery reaches the most vulnerable and challenged members of our society, in the most dignified