Corporate Social Review Magazine 1st Quarter 2012 | Page 58
An exciting new collaboration
While we have been busy researching CSR and ISO 26000 (SANS 26000 CSR - as it is
known in SA) we recognised that across the globe - in Europe, Asia, India,the UK& the
USA - training and workshop programs are being offered in this increasingly important
With this view of what the long term future of CSR holds we started looking for a partner
to bring this type of focused training to SA. We were very fortunate and very happy to find
a local Partner at the Bench Marks Centre for CSR at the University of North West Potchefstroom Campus.
Although the focus of The Research Centre has historically been on mining, they have the
expertise and resources to advise, manage and implement any impact studies, feasibility
projects environmental assessment projects in the the area of CSR and were perfectly
positioned to develop this comprehensive bouquet of CSR course.
Working with the University of North West, they have developed accredited courses in this
field that match if not better the courses being offered internationally. Not only does this
mean we are able to make such training available locally but we are also able to ‘keep it
local’ and creating job opportunities for training and development in this field.
These CSR courses are aimed at different levels of Management and are all fully accredited.
For more information about the accredited CSR courses available through the ICSD (SA)
please contact: [email protected]
Township Patterns