Corporate Social Review Magazine 1st Quarter 2012 | Page 17

As its main goal, the centre wants to challenge corporations and governments with progressive research that can help to prioritise sustainable CSR initiatives. The research will also allow mining companies to review the critical aspects of their CSR programmes and their relationships with the communities in which they operate. Various methods have been identified to measure the influence that big companies have on the different communities in the province and region. The centre has developed a measurement tool based on the Bench Marks Tool, which addresses relevant CSR benchmarks, criteria and principles. A new instrument has also been developed to measure ‘corporate personalities’. According to John Capel, executive director of the Bench Marks Foundation, the organisation has already been involved with extensive CSR research but, with the help of the NWU, they can significantly broaden their focus. “We find that there are many companies that misinterpret the \?H???]H???X[?\???X?[]x?'KB??^\?8?'??]?\???]\??]B??X??&\?^\?\?K?H?[????[??XZ?H?\?H]??\[?Y\??[?[?Z\??\???X?[]Y\??'B?????K??[??\?H?X????[?[????[???H[?ZY?][???YY\??^\?\?H\?HXZ???\???]?Y[??X?H[??X?X?N?8?'x?)??X[?H??\[?Y\?]?H?\?H????????X???]??Y][Y\?^B?\?HZ\?\?X?Y8?'K??]H[???\?X\???[?\?]Y?HH?[??K???\[?Y\??[?[\??HZ\????[?[??\?HH??]Y?X?[\[Y[?][???X???X??[? \?H?\?[ ?Y?[K[?H??[][?]Y\????[H?Z[?[????Z\?[???YH?[?]?H?]\?]X[]H]?\??Y]??&\???N?HP?? ?JB?\???X??][???]H?[???X\????[??H????]??H??H?\?Y]H????[]Y??X??[?[?]X]]?\????P?URS????YZ????P??K?X??B?L?? ? P??K?X??B??????YZ????H  ?L?H ?M???Y]\?H?\??MB?????UH???PS?U?QU??