Corporate Social Review Magazine 1st Quarter 2012 | Page 13

“Vodacom launched the Change the World initiative to assist NPOs with much-needed skills, over a sustained period,” states Tyamzashe. “Although many South Africans have the willingness to offer their skills to improve the lives of those around them, not everyone has the means. Through the Change the World programme, the volunteers can offer both their time and skills, at no cost to themselves or the NPOs.” He continues, “Moreover, the initiative aims at encouraging the transfer of skills. Although NPOs rely heavily on traditional cash donations, the lack of appropriate skills remains a problem. Thus, during their time at their host organisations, the volunteers will not only have the opportunity to make an immediate difference in people’s lives, but they will also be able to impart their knowledge, skills and experience, allowing the NPOs to benefit from them for many years to come.” “We have seen how successful our 2011 volunteers have been and how many thousands of lives they have changed through this initiative. We know that thousands more will now benefit from our 2012 volunteers and we wish them everything of the best in achieving their admirable goals,” concludes Tyamzashe. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need … It turns out it was Karl Marx that coined this phrase and, at the risk of being accused of Obama scale ‘socialism’, we find little reason to disagree with this simple but powerful statement. One thing that becomes clear as we delve ever deeper into the area of CSR is that there is no formula, no pattern, no set way of meeting our social commitments to each other and becoming ‘good corporate citizens’. There are always more causes than there is money to service their needs – and there will be as long as even a single child goes to sleep hungry. And so, we all do what we can in whatever way we Vodacom Change the World 2012 winners with Vodacom MD Sipho Maseko 11 CORPORATE SOCIAL REVIEW feel we are best able. We do it for different reasons, we do it expecting different results and we do it in endlessly different ways. And, as long as we do something, then the world is a better place - even if only by the smallest increment. As you already know, much of the content in this publication is – to one extent or another – ‘user generated’. We feel that there is great