Corporate logo Design – Best Tips to get started Corporate logo Design – Best Tips to get started | Page 3

Size can be a crucial decision Size of your logo can help focus or completely lose focus of your viewers. A complex logo will turn out to be cluttered if its size is small. Think big – think of website header, a ball point or a fax header or even a Nike swoosh – a simple yet recognizable design. Consider all the platforms where you logo can appear and size it to suit all. Ratio Matters if your logo turns out to be too tall or too skinny, you might want to rearrange its ratio (the relationship b\w the height and width of a logo). Square logo can be really pleasing. Also, round logos perform really great in being a powerful design. Your Company’s essence and theme A logo that relates to a serious company would not do good with a cartoon image. A logo for an ice cream parlor would not perform well if it has financial institution design type. You need to know your brand and make sure that your corporate logo designer understands your brand’s essence and theme for more details Visit: