Kevin Mogallo
he Kenya Ports Authority has opened a liaison office in Kigali to fast-track clearance of cargo at the port of Mombasa. Rwandan cargo through the port is growing at an average rate of 9 per cent per year, registering 260,000 tonnes in 2012 up from 226,000 tonnes in 2011. Following the implementation of measures to improve efficiency at the port and along the Northern Corridor, port performance has increased tremendously. The port last month recorded the highest delivery rate of 1,700 TEUs on a single day compared with the usual delivery average of 1,300 TEUs per day. “We are here to do business and we mean business,” said the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and Infrastructure Michael Kamau when he officially launched the new office located in Kigali. The office now brings port services closer to the port users in Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. It will create awareness of port procedures to avoid unnecessary delays or losses caused by lack of information by the shippers.
Kenya Ports Authority opens office in Rwanda to speed up cargo movement
Cabinet Secretary for Transport and Infrastructure Eng. Michael Kamau cuts the tape to mark the official opening of the Kenya Ports Authority Liaison Office in Kigali, Rwanda. He is flanked by (from Left) Investment Secretary Ms. Esther Koimet, KPA Chairman Mr. Shukri Baramadi, Kenyan High Commissioner to Rwanda Mr. John Mwangemi and the KPA Country Rep in Kigali Ms. Cynthia Kamau (Extreme right).
The office will soon be connected electronically to Mombasa head office to enable acceptance of payment for port charg \?[??Y?[K?]?[???\??Y\??HY??H??]?[[???[?X?\?K?\??[X]H??Y]H?[?[???H??X?H?\?HX[?Y?\?][?]H?[?XH??\??Y[??\???[Z]Y?[?[??[??X???ZX?[?Y?][?[?HX\?Y??X?[???[][?]H?Y?[????H?[?[?????X?H??Y\?Y?\?H?YHY?Y[Y[??]?Y[?H?\?Y[????[?XK??[?H[?Y?[?H?X?[\\?\?YH?YY?[\??H??\??X?\?[?[???\??X?\?H??X?[]]H?YH[?H?Y?[??8?'?H?[??[[?H?YH]?H[??[?XH[?[?\?X?[\?]H??\?H???\??\??Y\???Y???X[?\?]?\?^H\?x?'H?ZY\??[X]K?H?Z]\?]Y]\?Z[?B?????H???UHS?SQ?S??HQ??P?H??UU?UUU?HS?VS??U?H?T?S?T??S??Q???????]Z[?[Y?[??XY??X?K??]??