runaway crime in Busia and long wait for appointments Bungoma counties threatened of Principal Secretaries, who stability in Western Kenya are the accounting officers for with claims that some politiministries, began. The governcians were behind the attacks. ment also restructured the govThe gang left behind a trail of ernment that saw the number destruction, among them loss of of ministries trimmed from 42 lives and property. to 18 to improve efficiency and speed up service delivery. In adThe insecurity also hit Marsabit dition, some ministries are yet to and Garissa counties in North restructure after it emerged that Eastern region, leading to deploythose with more than one Prinment of military by Deputy Presicipal Secretary are yet to allocate dent William Ruto to clamp down responsibilities. on militia who were wreaking havoc in the region. In the health sector, the government has already implemented However, Cord leader Raila Odinga free maternity pledge in public contends that 100 days is a short hospitals, leading to high influx of period to judge performance of the expectant mothers to health faciligovernment. According to Mr. Odinties. The government channeled ga, although Jubilee government Ksh1billion to 293 hospitals and in could have missed its target, 100 days all the 372 health centres on June 1 in office could not provide a proper to facilitate free delivery. platform to audit its performance. However, the government had to contend with some challenges as well as baggage from previous reThe Port of Mombasa. gimes that opened a can of worms from main opposition, Coalition for Reforms and Democracy led by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga. Learning was paralyzed in public schools for three weeks after teachers downed their tools to push for higher salaries and allowances as agreed with KANU regime more than a decade ago. The Kenya National Union of Teachers called a strike to push for implementation an agreement it signed with the government in 1997, which offered teachers a huge pay rise. KNUT officials led by chairman Wilson Sossion defied a court order to call off the strike until the government implements the agreement. The strike was later called off after the government ordered closure of public schools. During the period, the government came under heavy criticism after the proposed laptop project, which opposition wanted scrapped to pave the way for diversion of the funds to pay teachers’ allowances. A wave of insecurity also hit parts of the country, which called for quick action to rid the country of criminals. The THE CORPORATE INTELLIGENCE AFRICA FOR AUTHORITATIVE AND EXTENSIVE BUSINESS INSIGHTS 27