5. Indicate how you feel about the following statements:
On the whole, I like my job and the hours.
I feel that I am well rewarded for the effort I put in
at work.
I am happy with the balance between my work
time and my leisure time.
At work, my level of authority is about the same
as my level of responsibility.
6. Which of the following Health Assessments and Detoxification programs would you prefer to participate in on a monthly or
weekly basis? (Check all that you would be likely to join)
Workplace Assessments, Detoxification & Therapy Programs
SWISS WELLNESS Management Systems™
BioAge Assessments & Health Appraisals (Monthly Appraisals)
“BioAge testing is a measurement of a person’s ‘real’ or ‘internal biological’ age, and it tells you how you are
performing in relation to your chronological age”.
Tests only take 45-60 minutes of your time and are carried out by qualified exercise professionals in the
following areas:
Blood pressure, Blood glucose, Total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, BMI, Lung function/expired
air flow, Aerobic Fitness (VO2Max), Flexibility, Core strength, Nutrition, Stress.
Through the use of cutting edge health and fitness software, you will be provided with your results in
a full printed report, including information and advice on how to reduce your BioAge using our world
renown Symmetry health products to cleanse, nourish and protect.
All Health Reports are kept strictly confidential.
BioAge results can be an affirmation of our lifestyle and encourage us to keep up the good work; or it can b