Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance by WHO RCCE action plan: COVID-19 preparedness | Page 6

Planning tool RCCE objectives What are the objectives of an RCCE (at all levels of the response, including community engagement) focusing on behaviours and actions to support public health interventions and ensure participation and accountability towards at-risk and affected populations and communities? Is there existing evidence/rapid assessment data/KAP supporting the objectives? What are the issues that need to be addressed by the RCCE strategy? Audiences Who are the audiences for your activities? Who do you want to communicate with? 1. Primary audience (most at risk / vulnerable population: People in affected neighbourhoods, People in at-risk areas, Migrants, Refugees, Travelers, Schools and school children, Businesses, Caregivers, Elderly, Other.) 2. Secondary audience (people who act as spokespeople or representatives, influencers, agents of change, etc.) Actions/Activities How will you engage in two-way communication with the different audiences identified? What are the key suggested interventions? RCCE Capacity What capacity do you need on your team to implement the action plan? Develop terms of reference as needed. What materials, job aids and other resources will be required to reach needed capacity? Monitoring • How will you monitor whether your RCCE plan is being implemented according to plan? 6 | RC C E A C T I O N P L A N G U I DA N C E | C O V I D - 19 P R E PA R E D N E S S A N D R E S P O N S E