Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance by WHO RCCE action plan: COVID-19 preparedness | Page 15

No. QUESTIONS Answers □ □ □ □ □ □ 6 Which channel/who do you □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ information related to coronavirus? (one or more options) How dangerous do you think □ □ □ □ Who do you think is at highest risk to get the coronavirus? 15 | RC C E A C T I O N P L A N G U I DA N C E Traditional midwives Any person from the community Other:______________________ | Radio TV WhatsApp Social Media (no whatsapp) Health unit/Health care worker Family members Friends Community health workers Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers Other community mobilisers Community leaders Religious leaders Traditional healers Traditional midwives Any person from the community Other:______________________ Choose the best answer that matches your belief about the disease: the new coronavirus risk is? 8 Religious leaders Traditional healers Check the best channel for you to receive coronavirus information from: trust the most to receive 7 Community leaders Very dangerous More or less dangerous Is not dangerous Other:______________________ Mark all those you think are likely to become sick: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Children under 5 years old Adolescents up to 15 years old Youth Adults Elderly persons Pregnant women Health workers C O V I D - 19 P R E PA R E D N E S S A N D R E S P O N S E