Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance by WHO RCCE action plan: COVID-19 preparedness | Page 4
The Process
This exercise would be completed remotely by the INGO HQ through the following steps:
Step 1. Assess and collect Collect existing information and conduct rapid qualitative and/or
quantitative assessments to learn about the communities (knowledge, attitudes and
perceptions about COVID-19, most at risk population, communication patterns and channels,
language, religion, influencers, health services and situation). With your team, analyse and
assess the situation.
See annex 1 for example rapid assessment tool.
Step 2. Coordinate Use existing coordination mechanisms or create new ones to engage with RCCE
counterparts in partner organizations at all levels of the response: local, regional and national.
These include health authorities, ministries and agencies of other government sectors,
international organisations (WHO, UNICEF, IFRC, MSF, etc.) NGOs, academia, etc. Develop
and maintain an up-to-date contact list of all partners and their focal points. Regular contact
with all partners will help avoid duplication and identify potential gaps in the RCCE response.
Step 3. Define Define and prioritize your key RCCE objectives with your team and partners. Review
them regularly to ensure they are responding to your priorities as COVID-19 evolves.
See annex 2 for example of objectives.
Step 4. Identify key audiences and influencers Identify target audiences and key influencers. These
include policy-makers, influential bloggers or other social media leaders, local leaders, women
and youth groups, religious and elders’ groups, local and international NGOs health experts and
practitioners, volunteers, and people who have real-life experience with COVID-19 (those who
have had COVID-19 or their family members have contracted the virus). Match audiences and
influencers with channels and partners that reach them.
See annex 3 for questions to guide you on identifying your audiences.
Step 5. Develop RCCE strategy Based on the qualitative analysis’ results, your defined key objectives
and audiences, develop an RCCE strategy that fits into the country’s comprehensive COVID-19
response strategy. Adapt to the local context: focus on messages that are tailored to the relevant
national and local context, reflecting key audience questions, perceptions, beliefs and practices.
Define and prioritize your strategic objectives with your team and partners in alignment with the
general objectives of the country’s COVID-19 response. Review them regularly with partners and
community to ensure they are responding to evolving priorities. Work with the different technical
groups of the response to ensure alignment, coordination and internal dialogue between RCCE
leadership/field staff and other response teams.
Define and describe actions/activities that will contribute to achieve the RCCE objectives.
Develop messages, and materials to transmit health protection steps and situation updates in
line with World Health Organization’s message. Messages and materials should be tailored
to reflect audience perceptions and knowledge at the level to which the RCCE products are
targeted whether national, regional, or local (see assessment process in Step 1).
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C O V I D - 19 P R E PA R E D N E S S A N D R E S P O N S E