Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance by WHO Household transmission investigation protocol | Page 14
Fig. 2. Case investigation algorithm and summary of data-collection tools
Confirmed CASE
(Day 1):
Form 1A
Household CONTACTS identified, and specimens
taken for laboratory testing (Day 1):
Form 1B
Confirmed CASE follow-up
(Day 7, 14, 28):
Forms 2, 3, 4, 5
Virology COVID-19 testing results
Household CONTACT
a confirmed CASE
(ensure convalescent serum
is collected in line with
negative contacts)
Household CONTACTS follow-up and
specimens taken for laboratory testing
(Day 7, 14, 28):
Forms 2, 3, 4, 5
Serology and virology COVID-19 testing results
Household CONTACT
becomes a
confirmed CASE
Household CONTACT
does not become a case