Cornwall Paranormal Research Review Volume 1 | Page 38

Great Fulford Manor Devon

31st October 2015

Property History:

One of Devon's most historic houses Great Fulford is a Doomsday manor which has been the home of the Fulford family since at least 1190.

The present house was mainly constructed in the early 16th century and is a semi fortified mansion built round a courtyard.

It boasts a superb panelled Hall as well as a marvelous 17th century Great Staircase, a restored Great Hall and various other interesting 17th and 18th century rooms.

Our Halloween visit to this historic property, was booked a whole year in advance, and highly anticipated by the team and our guests. It was our first team visit to the manor and also our special All Hallows Eve public event.

Baseline Readings

Crew Room - Temp 12.9 C, nil EMF readings

Gallery - Not Recorded

Panelled Hall - Temp not recorded, nil EMF

CPR Review 2015 - Great Fulford Manor #12

Kitchen - Temp 13.9C, nil EMF

Cellar - Not Recorded, see below

Lower Corridor - Temp 13.5C, nil EMF

Basement - Not Recorded

Snug - Temp 14.5C, nil EMF

Great Staircase - Not Recorded

Great Hall - Temp 14.1C, 2.7mg EMF

Readings were recorded prior to the arrival of guests. While recording the baseline reading, Lynne & Mandy were in the cellar when they both heard a loud growl, which resulted in them leaving the area without recording further information. The pair also encountered the sound of a woman moaning in the Great Hall. Mandy also became rather nauseous in the Snug room during the baseline tests.

Team: Mandy, Pete, Bronwen, Lynne and Angie