21:20 once again, during this vigil, Bronwen's camera picks up a very slow moving light moving Towards us on the stage, twice. this again has been captured on video and can be viewed on page 54.
Lynne who is using the mel meter in the main hall, receives a reading of 4.2 numerous times throughout the evening.
we tried to repeat this reading in the same area, but failed.
During a coffee break three of us were sitting on the stage and we all simultaneously shuddered at the same time feeling a movement across our neck/back.
21:55 another quaver shaped light source was caught by video camera at the back of the stage.
We endeavored to use the Ouija board and franks box but got no activity all evening.
Pete did a lone vigil under the stage but all was quite with no activity.
The team caught some really interesting light anomalies at this venue, check out the investigation video on page 54.
Overall a very interesting property and we are returning in 2016 for a follow up investigation. Many thanks to the trustees for allowing the team to investigate the hall.
CPR Review 2015 ~ Port Isaac Temperance Hall #8