Cornwall & Devon Land Rover Club. The Club Mag spring 2014 | Page 34

Hon. President: Ken Brain Hon Vice Presidents: John Parish, Dee Dion, Sue Pote, Sylvia Ivory, Jeff Dowell, Terry Shepherd Vice Chairman Trevor Castle 01752 344062 07711043542 [email protected] Secretary & Child Protection Trish White [email protected] Tel: 01752 896794 Mob: 07779 158363 Entries Secretary Chris Legg 01579 351277 07802415919 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Aaron Lillicrap 07784900491 [email protected] Club Shop Graham and Julie Smith 01752 217999 Julie 07879416653 [email protected] Graham 07525009155 g.c.s@blue Social Secretary Tony Powell 07770898943 [email protected] Entry Level Events Officer Simon Wheeler 01752 300972 07979822512 Chairman Pete Garlick 01752 364054 07837273340 [email protected] (home) Treasurer Jessica Jeffery 07828001930 01637830647 [email protected] Membership Secretary Phil and Karen Heys 01752 894568 Home 07879481935 [email protected] Competition Sec Fraser Parish and Emma Pascoe 07889727708 [email protected] Rights of way (Devon) Russell Bentley 07977506120 [email protected] ALRC Rep & Rally Radio Guy Cashmore 01209 213066 07774887935 [email protected] Safety Officer Paul Abery 01752 200025 07813440873 [email protected] Equipment Officer Gary Maunder 01822 833381 07843424338 [email protected]