Cornerstone Number 182, October-November 2016 | Page 13

Cornerstone No. 182, page 13 Dear Scots Kirk family, It’s only been 4 years since you welcomed us ― the Lotz family ― in your midst. From the first day, we felt at home in your international congregation. There was always someone to talk to, always someone interested in us, always someone smiling at us, always someone happy to share. Now, as we are returning to Germany end of August, we feel quite sad to leave. Some of the most memorable moments in our lives are linked to the Scots Kirk: Ian being the minister at our wedding in 2013 (wearing a kilt!), Ian as the first visitor ever for our newborn son Niclas in 2015, and Niclas’ dedication on 7th August. We thank you all so much for thinking of us on various occasions, for praying for us, and for the many good wishes we received from you before and after the birth of Niclas. We have been blessed to share a part of our path with you. You will always be in our prayers and we hope to come back from time to time. May you all be blessed. Katrin, Stephan & Niclas