Cornerstone Magazine: Spring 2015 Issue | Page 20

The Good News ELIZABETH JEAN-MARIE One of the primary tenets of Christianity is that we are obligated to spread the “good news”—in other words, the Gospel. But what is this good news? Simply put, the Gospel is embodied in Jesus Christ, Whom we, as Christians, believe is God the Son, and Who came down to earth in the flesh (John 1:14). We believe that Jesus Christ is one with the Father, and that when He walked the earth, He was both fully human and fully God (John 10:30). We believe that He is the Savior that was long awaited by the people of Israel and foretold by the prophets of the Old Testament. Jesus Christ lived the sinless life that we could not and died the sinner’s death that we will not. He died for us sinners, to justify us in the sight of God (Romans 1:16). Accordingly, whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have everlasting life (John 3:16). The Gospel was not intended for righteous people, for none of us are righteous; all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Even the people we consider morally just could never completely live up to God’s standards. This doesn’t mean that we may purposely continue in sin. Those who believe in Christ have been freed from the chains of sin (Romans 6:1-2). Through Him, we can conquer our failures and mistakes. When we choose to follow Jesus, our main purpose in life is to glorify Him. We must glorify Him in all that we do, whether that be in our academics, our talents or skills (1 Chronicles 16:23-25). We will experience pain (Psalm 34:19), and we are called to endure suffering (2 Timothy 3:12). But there is no way these sufferings can compare to the glory that will be revealed to us in Christ (Romans 8:18). We believe that Christ will return, and that when He returns, eternal life with Him is our reward, which comes through repentance and belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-10). The staff chips in on why they personally believe in Jesus Christ: How does one come to believe that God exists, and that Jesus is His Son, outside of personal experience? “Through trial and error, you see that nothing else fits the way God does.” To someone unfamiliar with the faith, how would you describe what it means to be a Christian? “Relying on God for everything.” “We are in need of a savior.” “Always having God in the front of your mind—present in everything you do.” “Romans 6:12.” “By faith.” “By choice. You can be a non-believer and still be a good person, but it’s because we are made in God’s image.” “By having a community and a foundation.” “Truth and historical accuracy of what Jesus did for us validate our faith.” “We don’t have proof, but we have evidence in the healing, transformative power of Jesus.” 18 CORNERSTONE Magazine “We can’t settle for lukewarm. In order to be a true Christian, we have to be on fire for Christ.” “Being a Christian is being different, being set apart from the world.” “To be a Christian is simply to be like Christ; He is the standard to live by.” “Christianity is this constant act of letting go; the biggest thing is letting go of yourself and understanding that you are in the hands of someone who is infinite.” “Serving others.”